Frequently Asked Questions

How far do you travel?

We cover parts of Warwickshire, Oxfordshire, Gloucestershire and the Cotswolds. To provide the best service we can, we take on jobs that we can reach within 50 minutes to an hour from our base near Shipston on Stour.

Do you take waste away?

Unless otherwise specified, all of our quotes include free green waste removal

What do you do with all the waste you take away?

We are based on a 400-acre farm and have a composting facility set up. Our green waste is processed using our large composting machine. It takes approximately half an hour for the composter to process a large load of green waste, making it into mulch. This is then stockpiled and left to rot down, ready for use on beds and borders and re-sale.

Can you price a job without seeing it?

We always prefer to view a job before committing to a price. We need to assess ground conditions, access and get a feel for what the job is going to entail and how we would go about carrying it out. We also like to build a rapport with our customers.

HOw much does it cost to obtain a quotation?

Absolutely nothing! All of our quotes are free and non-obligation. Call our friendly office staff to arrange an appointment.

